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Jul 27, 2009

HDFC India FD Rates

HDFC India FD Rates (India)

We present HDFC India FD Rates in our India Fixed Deposit Rates blogspot.com. These HDFC India FD rates are the latest FD rates we found in India.

HDFC India FD rates are subject to revision and may change without notice. Kindly verify India FD rates with the respective banks before inveting.

HDFC India FD Rates in India

(domestic rates applicable for below Rs.15 Lacs)

HDFC FD Tenure | HDFC FD Rates | HDFC Senior Citizen FD Rates

7 - 14 days FD = 2.25% , 2.75%
15 - 29 days FD = 2.25% , 2.75%
30 - 45 days FD = 3.00% , 3.50%
46 - 60 days FD = 3.50% , 4.00%
61 - 90 days FD = 3.75% , 4.25%
91 Days to less than 6 months 1 day FD = 4.50% , 5.00%
6 months 1 day - 6 months 15 days FD = 5.50% , 6.00%
6 months 16 days FD = 6.25% , 6.75%
6 months 17 days - 9 months 15 days FD = 5.50% , 6.00%
9 months 16 days FD = 6.25% , 6.75%
9 months 17 days - 1 year FD = 5.75% , 6.25%
1 year 1 day - 1 year 15 days FD = 6.00% , 6.50%
1 year 16 days FD = 7.00% , 7.50%
1 year 17 days - 2 years FD = 6.00% , 6.50%
2 years 1 day - 2 years 15 days FD = 6.00% , 6.50%
2 years 16 days FD = 7.25% , 7.75%
2 years 17 days - 3 years FD = 6.00% , 6.50%
3 years 1 day - 5 years FD = 6.00% , 6.50%
5 years 1 day - 8 years FD = 6.00% , 6.50%
8 Year 1 Day - 10 Years FD = 6.00% , 6.50%

(Note: All domestic HDFC India FD rates (India fixed deposits) are subject to revision.)

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India Fixed Deposit Rates

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